Work with me | Nad Ge Saysana Coach
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Welcome to the
Food Plan Expert

You're an amazing coach, making a big difference in people's lives all the time!


But let's talk about YOU now.

It's time to take control of your food cravings, follow your food plan and get the healthier and stronger body you've been dreaming of!


Here's what often happens to many coaches:

Working from Home
Image by jonathan ocampo
Chocolate Bites

You're super busy all day, coaching clients, creating content, and running your business like a pro.




But when stress hits or you're bored, you grab off-plan snacks like candy or chips.


And once you start, it's hard to stop, isn't it?


You tell yourself you'll do better tomorrow… but it keeps happening again and again.


Your jeans feel tight, you're out of breath, and you're tired of being stuck in this overeating cycle.


Does that sound familiar?

Enjoying a Slice

You Have The Power


Ever wonder why it's easier to help others stick to their food plans but struggle to do it yourself?

It's frustrating, I know!  


But guess what?

You too can control your food cravings.

Yes, really!

Uncover the Food Plan Expert in you in just Three months!

In only 12 weeks, you'll learn to:


- master your food cravings,

- follow your food plan effortlessly

- and get the stronger, healthier body you've always wanted.


No more feeling guilty about treats or worrying about your health.


Salad with ingredients

Here’s what you’ll learn with my personalized approach over the next 3 months:

Part 1: Self-Trust Secrets

With the Self-Trust Secrets you’ll build confidence and belief in yourself.

With 3 easy steps, you’ll achieve long-lasting success and get healthier and stronger.

Part 2: Conquer your Food Cravings for Good

Imagine a Life Without Food Plan Worries!


Picture this: You're peacefully enjoying planned meals, feeling close to others, and proud of the foods you choose.

No more obsessing over food or feeling like it's taking over your life.


And guess what? You'll have more time, energy, and confidence to be awesome in your coaching business and have fun!

Business Meeting at a Cafe
Tea Time

Ready to Make a Change?




Let's say goodbye to those food cravings and make you feel fantastic!


Sign up for a free call with me, and let's chat about how we can make your dream  of a healthier and stronger body come true.


Click the button below to book your call.

I can't wait to talk with you!

Imagine if in just 3 months you could sit next to a delicious piece of chocolate cake and… not care at all!


What if your best friend was offering you the best cookie ever that's she's cooked just for you and… you simply said “no, thank you”?

And you wouldn’t pine for the cookie; you wouldn’t obsess over it and look for the next opportunity to have a bite (or the whole thing, come to think of it!).

You would genuinely. Not. Want. It.


And then, think of what would be possible for you:

- no more guilt, regret or shame when stepping on the scales… but pride and confidence in yourself!


- no more buying bigger and bigger clothes… but maybe the cuter, smaller outfits you’ve always dreamt of!


- no more worrying that you’re damaging your health… but more energy all around!


The very first step for you right now is to book your free call with me.

By the end of our chat, you'll be able to see clearly what's possible for you too.

Just click on the button below, select the most convenient time for you and that's it: you're all set!

Lava Cake
Friends at the Beach

Signing up for
the Food Plan Expert
Program Gives you Access to:

- 12 weekly online one-to-one 30-minute coaching calls to tailor the program's simple steps to your unique needs


- unlimited written or audio coaching for accountability and support on anything that happens between the coaching calls, Monday-Friday


- fantastic bonuses

Real Results, Real Stories


Still not sure if this program is right for you?

Hear it from others who've conquered their food cravings, become food plan experts and transformed their lives!


If Tamara Could Uncover her Inner Food Plan Expert, You Can Do It Too!


Tamara finally felt in control around food, even though, for 32 years she was feeling like food was controlling her!


Here’s what the lovely Tamara Pflug, a life coach who's worked with me on her urges to eat off plan, wanted you to know :


With the Food Plan Expert coaching program, I’ve stopped eating chocolate, even though I used to have some every single evening!
I’m not dieting or obsessing about food anymore even when I visit France where I’m surrounded with mouth-watering cakes 24/7!
My weight is stable without dieting or obsessing about food anymore!


I got coached by Nadège and it was really helpful. She helped me so much with my urges because basically I was eating emotionally like reacting to a thought that I had and thinking that I HAD TO eat this.
And she brought me so much like clarity and understanding around what was the cause of me wanting to eat, like what was the reason behind it and also how to allow urges, really sit with them knowing that I’m not the urges, I’m not going to become the urge, that it’s all fine that I’m feeling this way, that I’m just being a human being, that it’s a process, it’s a skill to develop.
And she was really here as a guide to go through this and I remember like feeling super calm, and like really the perfect guide for this.
I felt really understood, like she really gets me, and yes, I think that coming from a place of feeling out of control when I had urges to understand better and knowing that I’m going to be ok and feel in control of the urge, that’s for sure the best experience I had and I know not every life coach is like this so I’m really happy with Nadège’s coaching and I would love to be coached again.

But now I don’t need since I’m allowing more urges. Thank you Nadège!


In 3 months I started working out and I got my diet under control.


However hard I tried, I was unable to lose my extra weight and my cellulite. I had poor circulation in my legs. I couldn’t make myself work out.


Thanks to coaching with Nan, I realized that I was really exhausted from taking care of everything in my life and I was not feeding myself well.


So I stopped consuming what wasn’t good for me and increased foods that I know my body thrives on. And I learnt how to focus on the beautiful life I wanted to live, the amazing energy I wanted to experience… and how that tempting cookie was not helping me create that!


I gave myself permission to spend money on good quality food products that are doing me and the planet so much good.


I also now understand that my food cravings are simply emotions I can accept and sit with. I now see that whenever I do that, they disappear after only a few minutes.


Overall, instead of complaining 24/7 about anything and everything in my life, I now listen to a kinder, more supportive voice within me. Both voices now collaborate to support me the best way possible and create the life I desire. And it’s working!


After serving clients in more than 12,000 coaching calls in the past 5 years, Nan is offering you the complete Food Plan Expert coaching program for:


3 payments of 1,270 USD (3,810 USD)
- 3,500 USD (payment in full - you save 310 USD)


Popcorn Movie


Chocolate Truffle Selection


The Conquer your Food Cravings for Good Workbook

The complete Conquer Your Food Cravings for Good workbook is a game-changing guide with easy-to-use worksheets. It teaches you how to stop overeating for good and actually use what you learn.


The Crave Control Planner

The 90-day Crave Control Planner will ensure you stay on track with minimal effort no matter what. In only 10 minutes a day you’ll be confident you’re moving in the right direction.


The Cravings Playbook

The Cravings Playbook will help you turn learning to stop overeating one craving at a time into an adventure where the hero you are can only overcome all the obstacles and succeed in a unique, fun & efficient way.


The Self-Trust Secrets

With the Self-Trust Secrets you’ll have everything you need to know to build confidence and belief in yourself, empowering you in every aspect of your life, whether it's related to food or any other area.

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100% Action Taker Guarantee

I am so confident that when you do those 6 simple
(plan, eat, check and understand, decrease, decline), you will reduce your overeating and stick more and more to your food plan in 3 months that I offer you the 100% Action Taker Guarantee.

If you've followed all the steps, shared your work with me, and you don't reduce your overeating and stick more and more to your food plan in 3 months, you get another 3 months of support FREE.

And if you still don't decrease your overeating and stick more and more to your food plan at the end of these additional 3 months, you get 100% of your money back.

These are the exact tools I’ve used on myself and my clients to:


- lose weight

- stop snacking

- stop binge-eating

- change body shape

- keep energy levels high

- fit into adorable outfits

- maintain optimal weight

Friends Having Breakfast
Woman with Pilates Mat

The program “Food Plan Expert” is designed to help you:


1. stop feeling powerless around food

2. regain complete control of what you eat
3. get the weight, strength, body, health and lifestyle you dream of


Click the button below for a simple chat with me. 

At the end of this free call, you'll know if this is for you or not.

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